Stay up to date with Te Huia

The best way to receive notifications about any Te Huia disruptions is by downloading the free Transit App - you can track the train in real time!
Install the app to receive notifications in 3 easy steps:

  1. Allow notifications
  2. Allow location
  3. Search for Te Huia and 'pin' as a favourite route. Select AT ALL TIMES to receive all push notifications.

Otherwise please keep an eye on our website homepage - or for urgent enquiries please call 0800 205 305 to talk to the transport call centre.

We appreciate your patience - our Kiwirail team always endeavours to work quickly to diagnose any issues and communicate any estimated delay times to our passengers as soon as possible.


Planned closures - Te Huia

Due to track work on the lines between Hamilton and Auckland, or within Auckland itself there are some times when the Te Huia service will not run. These closures are planned months in advance and we’ll aim to give you as much notice as we can. From time to time, KiwiRail may be forced to make late changes so please check the Transit App before you travel to ensure the service is running as scheduled.

For planned closures occuring Monday to Friday, rail replacement buses will operate (except for public holidays). Rail replacement services will not operate on Saturdays. Rail replacement bus services operate to the same timetable as train. However, due to traffic conditions, buses maybe delayed in arriving and departing.

Please check back the week of your travel as we reserve the right to update this list in alignment with network schedules.


Planned closures - Auckland Transport 

Passengers disembarking at Papakura will be affected by ongoing track maintenance and upgrade work causing disruption to the AT Southern Line. Please check Auckland Transport Service Announcements for the most up to date information. 

Unplanned delays and closures

From time to time due to circumstances outside of our control there may be times when the Te Huia service is delayed, or cancelled. We’ll keep you informed by sending notifications via the Transit App which provides real-time information. You can also call us on 0800 205 305 for more information.

If you are using the AT Southern Line to connect to Te Huia, we recommend also getting notifications from Auckland Transport. You can subscribe to text or email updates or download the AT Mobile app and turn on notifications.