Two Year Performance Review

Prepared as part of a bid to continue funding until June 2026, a two-year review of performance against a range of targets concluded that Te Huia has delivered or is close to delivering all the targets set by the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi Board (NZTA).

This review of the service is based on the January 2022 to December 2023 period, due to Te Huia being impacted by the extended COVID-19 lockdown in Auckland in its first year of operation.

The report found that patronage growth is strong, with average demand targets of 250 passengers per weekday and 100 passengers on Saturdays being exceeded every month.

The farebox recovery target of 15 per cent is close to being achieved, noting the national average is 11 per cent and Te Huia has a 25 per cent lower subsidy per passenger kilometre than the Auckland metro network.

Evidence provided in the assessment shows that rail provides a more consistent journey time than the road for passengers between the two metropolitan centres. Transferring trips to rail also reduces the number of car trips in both regions.

Based on Ministry for the Environment emissions data, once there are 55 passengers on board, Te Huia services have a net emissions reduction effect. This is now achieved on around 80 per cent of all trips per month.

Read the full two year review media release.

Customer Satisfaction

Overall satisfaction among Te Huia passengers reached 99 per cent in the 2024 customer satisfaction survey, which improves on 2023’s rate of 98 per cent.

Waikato Regional Council commissioned an independent research company to survey 502 passengers in May 2024, looking at a range of onboard and other factors that contribute to the overall experience.

Three factors made the most difference to passengers: value for money, service reliability and frequency. Value for money appealed highly to 67 per cent of passengers; service reliability and frequency were equally important, highly valued by 59 per cent of respondents.

Waikato Regional Councillor and Deputy Chair of the Future Proof Public Transport Subcommittee Angela Strange is particularly pleased to see people choosing Te Huia as an alternative to private cars.

Some 76 per cent of passengers said they could have travelled by car, 56 per cent as drivers and 22 per cent as passengers.

While the majority of passengers live in Hamilton (51 per cent), Aucklanders are taking advantage of the service in strong numbers too: 28 per cent of respondents live in Auckland and 26 per cent usually board at The Strand or Puhinui.

Read the full customer satisfaction media release.

Passenger Numbers

If you are intersted in our passenger numbers, our Te Huia Patronage Data is updated monthly.