Te Huia is the passenger train which connects Waikato region with Auckland city.
Te Huia currently operates:
- Two daily return services from Hamilton every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
- Three daily return services from Hamilton every Thursday and Friday
- Two return services every Saturday
- There is currently no services available on Sundays or public holidays
Te Huia services the following stations:
- Frankton Station | Hamilton Kirikiriroa
- Rotokauri Station | Hamilton Kirikiriroa
- Raahui Pookeka Station | Huntly
- Pukekohe Station | Auckland
- Puhinui Station | Auckland
- The Strand | Auckland
Te Huia journey time:
The complete end to end journey from Hamilton to Auckland takes approximately two hours and 30 minutes.
Plan your journey in Auckland
For passengers who wish to travel to Auckland central, transferring to the AT Metro Southern Line is possible from Pukekohe station and the AT Metro Eastern Line from Puhinui station with an AT Hop Card.
AT Metro trains depart regularly - usually every 10-15 minutes in peak times, and 20 minutes thereafter. You can view more information about catching a connecting train here.
Connecting to Auckland airport? Catch the Airbus at Puhinui Station.
Pay for Auckland transport with an AT Hop card or via your preferred contactless (payWave) credit or debit card options.
AT Hop cards are available to purchase onboard Te Huia at the cafe.